authentic French macarons at our modern inspired bakery in the Capital Region.

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— Story —




It’s safe to say my award winning fourth grade science project based around the unspoken scientific side of baking was just the beginning!

Baking is my life, I love every aspect of it. I love the sound of the mixer and the smell of caramel cooking. The symmetry of a pan of perfectly hand piped French macarons. Leaving the kitchen and noticing the thick layer of flour dusted onto my glasses. The amount of batter that my Crocs saved from dirtying the floor. The anxiety of forgetting to remove all pens & sharpies from my uniform before washing. All the aches and pains, feeling like a new woman after cracking my knuckles, a long day of standing in one spot, bending awkwardly to pipe, and fighting back my yawns when chatting with a customer. I literally love it all.

Started out local at Schenectady County Community College to which I received a Culinary Arts degree. The education I then received at The Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park NY is how I knew this love of mine for pastry would last.

After graduating from the CIA I didn’t want to waste any time getting into the industry so I took the Executive Pastry Chef position at TC Paris Bakery in Saratoga Springs. This is where I perfected and fell in love with the French macaron! TC was closing in on ending it’s reign as “Mac gem” of Saratoga so I moved onto Villa Italia where I started as a cake decorator and soon found myself churning out A LOT of gelato! This was a fun job, creating flavors and making it all look pretty in the cases. I missed my Macs though, they didn’t quite fit into the traditional Italian bakery in town. This led me to The Adelphi Hotel in Saratoga Springs (yes silly me went back to my hour commute, each way!) Now this job was something creativity became useful there was just too many outlets for this particular position. In this industry we all deal with the “underpaid and overworked” Well after 8 years out of college and a few jobs later I had enough of working for someone else and allowing it to have an impact on my self worth and mental health.

I ultimately quit my job not knowing what was going to happen next and that turning point has led me here, today. Writing an “About Me” for this website for my own business! The vacant space we came across was the answer to my unemployed prayers. I worked as a froster at Nothing Bundt Cakes while the bakery construction was underway and I enjoyed everyday there and the friendships made with both my coworkers and employer! With a gracious landlord and a kick ass contractor we had accomplished so much in just a few months. Happy to share my creativity that I’ve secretly hid in notebooks for years with you all. To be opening this brick & mortar in my home town is heartfelt, looking forward to meeting the people of my neighborhood and being a part of special moments in your lives in the sweetest way!

Alright enough about me, check out our Gallery to see my previous work and Menu to see what you can look forward to finding in our pastry case!


Bri Larsen

Owner/Pastry Chef of Whisky Business Bakery